Unfortunately, today is our final day in Europe and there has been ice cream eating almost everyday since arriving to Spain. More importantly, there are two flights tomorrow, and most people want to get back on the time schedule back home. I'm especially freaking out because Sunday morning I have to get up relatively early to drive to to Champaign and attend their Saxophone camp for the week.
Also, I'm sorry that I didn't get many pictures up (especially since arriving in Spain) and that so much has happened this week that I don't think I can blog about much of it.
One thing that was awesome about this week was the day we went to the Flamenco show, because they celebrate the Solstice here in Barcelona, and made awesome bread with sugar and fruit on it just for the occasion. But anyways, we ran accross the street after the show was over, and there was immediately fireworks due to the holiday -- and they continued to go off the rest of the night. That's something I find very odd about Barcelona... I don't know if it's a city thing, if that's just the way things work around here, but it will be midnight and I'll still hear tons of people talking in the alleys and even children crying and such. What's especially annoying about the streets in Barcelona however, are the vendors. They put these weird metal discs in their mouths, and make different sounds -- a bird tweeting, a cat screeching, and squeeky toy, etc. It's just weird walking the streets and having to deal with that. On the plus side, I haven't gotten anything stolen! YAY!
Today, we went to this abosolutely incredible cathedral. Words can't describe it. I think the majority of my photos actually came from that one building this trip. It's work from the arcitect, GaudÃ, and the construction of the cathedral began in 1880. But it won't be finished until I'm about 40. It blows my mind! The craftmanship is unlike anything I've ever seen. We also traveled to another beautiful area today, but it's name escapes me. I got to bargain though!
The other day, I felt really bad after we got to go to the market. There were tons of booths to buy food at (this was really more like a grocery store if anything) and I had to buy coconut. It wasn't as good as I expected, so I shared with my friends, and then when I went to throw it out, I saw a man rooting through the trash. He didn't like anything like a homeless man to me though, he was wearing some decent looking clothes, and he looked far from starving. But I still threw it out nonetheless, and then after I walked back to where my friends were, I saw I picked up the box and proceeded to eat it. I felt really bad. I also feel bad about all the things I've bought on this trip, although I don't think it was quite as bad as some amounts I've seen kids raking in this trip.
Well, I have to go finish packing now, but it's been a pleasure blogging on this trip! Everyone is DEFINITELY ready to come home!
See everyone soon,
Callie Sorce